Category: BLOG

  • TED Talk: “Sting”

    TED Talk: “Sting”

    How I Started Writing Songs Again | Sting’s early life was dominated by a shipyard—and he dreamed of nothing more than escaping the industrial drudgery. But after a nasty bout of writer’s block that stretched on for years, Sting found himself channeling the stories of the shipyard workers he knew in his youth for…

  • TED Talk: “Matthew Carter”

    TED Talk: “Matthew Carter”

    My Life In Typefaces TED.COM | Pick up a book, magazine or screen, and more than likely you’ll come across some typography designed by Matthew Carter. In this charming talk, the man behind typefaces such as Verdana, Georgia and Bell Centennial (designed just for phone books — remember them?), takes us on a spin through a career…

  • TED Talk: “Arthur Benjamin”

    TED Talk: “Arthur Benjamin”

    The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers TED.COM | Math is logical, functional and just … awesome. Mathemagician Arthur Benjamin explores hidden properties of that weird and wonderful set of numbers, the Fibonacci series. (And reminds you that mathematics can be inspiring, too!)

  • APPLE: “What Would Steve Do?”

    Thanks, SlideShare! What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World’s Most Captivating Presenters from HubSpot All-in-one Marketing Software

  • TED Talk: “Bono”
  • TED Talk: “Paul Draper”

    TED Talk: “Paul Draper”

    Observing Things for the First Time A great understanding of people combined with a rich performance background has led Paul Draper to a multi-faceted career as an anthropologist, mentalist, and organizational improvement expert. His warmth and interest in his audiences forms a strong component of his training seminars and shows. As a former faculty member…

  • TED Talk: “Kevin Bacon”

    TED Talk: “Kevin Bacon”

    Kevin Bacon has starred in some of the most influential films in cinema history. Ingrained into our popular culture forever, Bacon’s films span every genre of the human condition. In true Bacon style, he embraced the “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” trivia phenomenon and founded, a charitable initiative that links people to charities and…

  • TED TALKS: “Chip Kidd”

    TED TALKS: “Chip Kidd”

    Designing books is no laughing matter. OK, it is. TED.COM – Chip Kidd doesn’t judge books by their cover, he creates covers that embody the book — and he does it with a wicked sense of humor. In one of the funniest talks from TED2012, he shows the art and deep thought of his cover…

  • TED Talk: “Andrew Stanton”

    TED Talk: “Andrew Stanton”


  • UPDATE: NEW! Audio Ad For Lennon Design

    Recently the need for an audio ad arose within Lennon Design, in order to promote it through a few podcasts and other channels. To assist me with this need I reached out to my dear friend Michael Reagan from the Social Nature Company, to write the add for me. Once written it was forward to his…